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Richard Cook founded Cook Builders in 1974 and has since been building the finest custom homes in Lake County, Indiana. With 50 years of experience in the building industry, Cook Builders has earned a reputation as one of Northwest Indiana’s most prestigious custom home builders. We have experience building all types of quality homes, we can customize blue prints in-house to meet your needs and your budget! Distinctive structural features can really set your home apart from the rest. We work passionately to create unique exteriors through custom design while using the highest quality materials. From 2 x 6 exterior walls to energy efficient low-e windows and a 95% efficient furnace, only the finest products are applied. And the best part is what’s underneath – energy efficient insulation for greater comfort and reduced energy costs.
Building a home with Cook Builders will provide you with much more than a quality constructed home. You’ll also acquire a new investment, a new lifestyle, and unparalleled customer service to facilitate the design process. At Cook Builders, building strong relationships is equally important as building strong homes. Cook Builders is a family business, with your family in mind. At Cook Builders we don’t just build homes, we build dreams. We look forward to helping you turn your dream into a reality.
Custom home currently under construction in Winfield IN on Lot 41 in the Estates of Wynbrook.
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